Rookie Gutter Installation Mistakes Professionals Avoid
More than four million single-family homes sold last year in the United States. Because of the number of homes on the market, sellers can face significant competition from other comparable properties in their neighborhood and nearby communities. The fewer repairs and replacements a home needs, the more attractive it is to potential buyers. When selling your home it’s essential not to overlook certain elements, in particular, the condition of the windows. Window conditions affect curb appeal and can make a difference in the appearance of an interior room.

Windows and Home Curb Appeal
Potential home buyers begin assessing your home from the first glance at the exterior. It’s common for buyers to decide not to even go inside if the outside is messy, overgrown, and in disrepair. Cracked windows definitely detract from a home’s curb appeal and should be replaced if they can’t be repaired. To ensure your windows add to the home’s curb appeal:
- Keep them clean. Make sure all the windows are dirt and smudge-free. Clean windows mean more than just no streaks on the glass. Take the time and clean around the frame as well, removing any cobwebs, dirt, and other debris.
- Refresh the caulking.
- Repaint any trim work if needed. Cracked and peeling paint around the windows really takes away from your home’s natural beauty.
Clean windows don’t only add to a home’s curb appeal. Over time, dirt actually can etch the glass and damage the window. Regular cleaning helps prevent this, plus it allows beautiful natural light to enter the home.
The Affect Windows Have on Interior Rooms
Real estate professionals will tell home sellers it’s extremely important to have good lighting when showing the house to potential buyers. Great lighting is a combination of artificial light and natural light that streams in through clean windows. On average, most potential buyers prefer seeing more natural light throughout the home versus artificial. To allow this light to really shine, be sure that the glass streak-free, and that all window treatments are dust-free and in good repair. Open the blinds and pull back the drapes to let the light in and show off any views and the beautiful windows.
Repair or Replace
Sometimes not all the windows in a home are in good repair. Maybe one has been hit by a ball when the kids were outside playing and now it has a spider web-style crack. Older windows may leak air or refuse to open and close without the strength of Hercules. If these conditions describe your home windows, it may be time to think about repairs or replacements before placing the house on the market for sale.
Deciding between repair or replacing windows often comes down to cost. For home sellers, professional repair usually is the better and a more budget-friendly alternative. The higher cost of window replacement may not fit the budget for a home seller and not offer as much of a return-on-investment.
Popular Window Repairs for Home Sellers
Fortunately, there are types of window repairs that can be done on a budget and help benefit a home seller. A professional can come in and repair/replace a broken pane of glass in just a couple of hours. This is a good solution when there’s just a single window with a crack; get that fixed and the whole room will look fresh and attractive.
Ripped or torn screens can be replaced without having to purchase a whole new window as well. Be sure to clean all window screens before showing the home to sellers as dirty screens make a room feel dingy. Another easy fix is adding fresh caulk if needed and making sure all window hardware is in working condition.
Home sellers can impress potential buyers in many ways. Clean, repaired windows may just make the difference and help sell the home a bit faster.