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Key Things You Should Know About Your Roof As A New Homeowner

Things You Should Know About Your Roof

While you may not know this now, the one system in your home that can have the largest effect on it should an issue occur, is your roof. Continue reading below to learn all that you need to know in order to prevent major repercussions should you have a problem with your roof.

The Construction Of Your Roof

If you want to maintain your roofing system to the best of your ability, you’re going to have to know as much about it as possible. Understanding how it is constructed will not only help you to remain more comfortable while you are inside your house, but it will also lead to you paying much lower energy bills in the long run. Let’s talk about the various parts of your roof and what can potentially go wrong with them.

The Outer Layer

This portion of your roof is the area that is visible to you from the sidewalk outside of your home. The main things to look out for when observing this part of your roof is the overall state of the shingles and tiles. It will become fairly obvious when they are becoming worn or have suffered damage, likely due to storm.


Beneath the shingles or tile that you can see, is a layer known as the decking. This layer is made up of plywood and is used to fasten your shingles or tiles to the roof.


Your roof is constructed of a frame which is made up of joists, rafters and other wooden parts that make it sturdy.


If there are portions of your roof which extend past where your home’s exterior walls are, these are the eaves.


Using another part of your roof, known as the fascia,  which is attached to the eaves, gutters are attached.

Attic Space

You likely know what attic space is, but do you know why it is important? Having attic space allows for your roof to remain healthy as your roof cannot stay in good condition if your attic space is not well ventilated, insulated and air sealed.

Roof Estimates

The best way to ensure that nothing catastrophic happens in regards to your roof is to have it professionally inspected often. While you may be able to get away with having an estimate completed once a year, we would suggest that you also do so after any major storms that may have caused your roof damage as well. This will ensure you don’t have a huge roof repair or renovation to make in the future.

Hiring A Roofing Company You Can Trust

If you are a new homeowner in Massillon or the surrounding areas, it’s important that you find a roofing company that you can trust. After all, if something less than ideal occurs in regards to your roof, you will need a repair fast, leaving very little time for you to research the many options you have as far as roofing contractors are concerned. Luckily, you can absolutely trust the professional roofing team at Silver Leaf Contracting. Call us today to get a better sense of our company and find out how we can move forward should your roof give out on you at some point in the future.